From: Paul Bolognese, Loretta
Sent: December, 2007
John Curcuruto joined the PA on April 15, 1968 as a Staff
Assistant in the Personnel Department of the Port
Authority of NY & NJ. He is survived by his
wife, Josephine Mary, a son, John Jr. and a daughter,
Christine. Christine and her husband Mitch have a son,
Nicholas (John's grandson) and she is expecting twins
this coming July.
John was assigned to the
"Operations & Management" Divisions of the Personnel
Department as a Personnel Specialist Representative,
and in time showed a great understanding and aptitude
for working with Field Maintenance and Field Operations
Supervisors and Managers.
In addition to being
principal Personnel liaison with the FM & FS
associations, John performed as a lead Personnel
Specialist and was a mentor to countless staff brought
in to the Human Resources Department during his
22-year tenure in Human Resources.
In 1990,
John accepted a reassignment to the Aviation Department
where he helped Aviation develop Human Resource staffing
plans in the FM & FS areas. John handled
personnel issues in Aviation which later on included
arranging severage deals and outplacement services for
staff whose positions were being abolished. John retired in January,
1996 and will be missed by us all.
December, 2007